Re-lashing our relationship to honua... 

one season at a time

Upcoming ʻaha...

ʻAha Hoʻākua Lāhui Manu

Ahuimanu & the bird people are back for another super duper season of ceremony...and we canʻt wait for you to come flock with us;) 


We get together each Anahulu or 10 day cycle over the next 120 days & we would LOVE your company.

Times for ʻaha do shift as the days get longer.  ʻAha will be between sunrise and a couple hours before sunset.   Please sign up each month to participate in person or online LIVE.  

July: 17

Aug: 1, 11
New dates will be announced on Aug. 26.  mahalo for your patience

ʻAha throughout the year...

Here are some of the other seasonal ʻaha that Hālau ʻŌhiʻa & Lonoa Honua host!

Ao Polohiwa a Kāne

Summer Solstice



Piko I Ākea

Spring & Fall Equinoxes

March & September

Keaweaweʻula a Kanaloa

Winter Solstice


ʻAha Ola I Ke Au a Kanaloa

Remembering our KANA-LOA, the long cord that binds 

Starts when the koholā (humpback whales) arrive in Hawaiʻi

ʻAha Moanonuikalehua

The blooming of lehua as they seed the next generation of our forest

At the start of lehua blooming season

ʻAha Hoʻākua Lāhui Manu

Sending out a pulse of vitality to all of our manu-people

At the start of forest bird fledging & middle of ocean/coastal bird fledging?


In our mountains, forests, perhaps even our backyards, the manu (bird people) are entering into their fledging season. The time when young manu are beginning to stretch their wings to leave the nest for the first time.

Through these ʻaha, we aim to re-member, re-lash, and re-affirm our ties, our bond to our most ancient "kanaka o ka mauna, kanaka o ka ulu lāʻau" these are the bird people. Join us to celebrate the longevity, vitality, and resilience of our most ancient land ancestors, the poʻe manu~native birds

Sign up to participate in online or in-person ʻAHA


What are seasonal ʻaha?

And why do we do them?


ʻAha are ceremonies timed around specific shifts in the Hawaiʻi environment that spark a particular natural phenomenon, like: Ke Ao Polohiwa a Kāne (Summer solstice - coral spawning), Kaʻi Koholā (the migration of whales), Ka hiki Kōlea (when the kōlea birds arrive), Pūnana Manu (nesting), Mōhala Lehua (lehua blooming) and on and on and on...

I bet you and your kids could think of lots of season shifts and seasonal happenings in your area!

In the seasonal ʻaha or ceremonies,  the main thing we want to generate is I.o.A. or Intentions of Aloha for nature, for humans and all of our more-than-human relations all around you, in Hawaiʻi, and in the world. 

WHY?  Simply because we depend on nature to sustain us... and so sending a generous pulse of aloha and thanks seems to be a good gift back to the wind, the trees, the ocean, the fish, the mammals, and the soil, the sun, lehua, and the ʻiʻiwi.  

Come! Join us whether or not you know the chants and dances. 

WHAT MATTERS is that attuning to nature in this way makes you feel joyful!

Iʻll be sharing more about the our ʻaha on Lonoa Honuaʻs social media, so be sure to follow @LonoaHonua to hear more! 

So how can you participate?